‘We are not just a skin-encapsulated ego, a soul encased in flesh. We are each other and we are the world.’ –Charles Eisenstein
Breathwork is a powerful and effective technique for releasing old stuck energy and outmoded patterns of behaviour and opening to a new or renewed flow from a deeper vein of the self. Also called rebirthing or integrative breathing, breathwork is done one-to-one and sessions last for 60 to 90 minutes. Holotropic Breathwork is a longer, more intense form of breathwork that is usually done in a group setting.
Old emotions get stuck in the joints and muscles, particularly when we were unable to express feelings fully as children or during traumatic experiences. The combination of breathing in a particular circular way and bodywork frees the client on many levels at once.
This modality allows the revelation and integration of many aspects of the self, and clients may access the period around birth and conception, the body-felt self, the archetypal and spiritual self that relates to a more cosmic realm, and the unresolved biography of this and other lifetimes.
I have 25 years experience as a breathwork facilitator, and I trained with Sondra Ray and other pioneers. Since 2007 I’ve co-facilitated Holotropic Breathwork workshops with Dr. Yahia Kabil, and I am currently participating in international Holotropic training and study.