“The intelligence to create is hidden in us and can flow out like a spring bubbling from a snow-covered mountain top. It is endless, abundant and delightful.”–Meera
Creative expression is nothing but our own life energy wanting to be expressed. It is not about producing or performing based on a series of carefully learned techniques.
Spontaneous painting is my favourite form of creative expression. Painting is everyone’s birthright; it is one of the greatest and most effortless tools for awakening one’s consciousness and awareness.
In many spiritual traditions, spontaneous art is used to help you recognise the inner space, your ‘is-ness’ or beingness. We loved making art in kindergarten, but sadly most of us haven’t allowed ourselves to dive into creative expression since then.
Making art or painting is an invitation to translate our feelings into symbolic images. My clients experience peace and delight, even when they’re painting out difficult emotions. Often, we sit with the painting and then work with it in a variety of ways, including free association with the artwork’s contents, spontaneous journaling, or writing a ‘rant’ in the tradition of free-form poetry or prose. Clients usually take their paintings home and live with them, make friends with them and continue to receive insights from them.
Body Mapping is one of the structured ways that we bring creative expression to a client. This technique allows clients to use colour, line, design and spontaneity to explore their body image and many other aspects of their relationship to self and to the world.